In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
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The above pie chart shows the amount of people who answered my survey and also the gender as you can see it was a fair mix of boys and girls which would make it a fair representation of my target audience, the responses I received will show a mix of gender which as my product is aimed at both genders it will give me an insight of what both genders thought of it.
The above pie chart shows the age range of the people who answered my survey, the majority were of ages 17-20, my idea range would be between the ages of 7 to 16 but the opinion also would count if they watched children's tv dramas also. The effect this would have in relation to my products is that i'm asking people who's age range the product is aimed at so I can see if i have fulfilled the needs and wants of my target audience.

The above pie chart shows what people rated my opening title sequence, the opinions were mixed but people mostly gave it the higher ratings of 4/5 stars compared to the lower of 1 star, showing the a majority of the people who took my survey enjoyed my product. This shows that in some ways my product was effective to some of the target audience as they gave it a high rating but others didn't enjoy it giving it a low rating meaning that it isn't conventional like other children's tv dramas they enjoy.
This shows a selection of the feedback I got. People liked the characters and they went to a school which is relatable to the target audience, they found it interesting to watch. There was mixed opinion on the music as some felt it was upbeat and fun and others didn't like it. Another person thought that the ending cut off too quickly. This feedback is important as it shows what I did well, it showed that I fitted the conventions of children's tv dramas by using relatable characters and used mis-en-scene, such as the stereo and school books to fit the genre. As the music got mixed responses if i had a chance to redo my product i would perhaps find different music which was more upbeat and 'modern' so it reflected what people listened to. Overall my feedback shows that my product followed conventions of using upbeat music, even if some people weren't keen on it, using mise-en-scene such as the location of the school and using relatable characters.
This shows some feedback from the magazine. People liked the colours used and the images, some stating that they looked 'cool' and that they fit the genre. They liked the layout of it as someone said 'good design.' On the other hand people thought that it was 'too busy' and some of the fonts were hard to read. This shows that although I have followed magazine conventions by using clashing colours on the fonts it made them hard to read which has resulted in negative feedback. The conventions that my target audience liked were the shapes of arrows and stars which made it eye catching and they liked the design of it, which meant the layout and the colours all working together which helps make this product successful but using childlike fonts and clashing colours of fonts didn't work as well as I'd hoped as some of my target audience didn't like them meaning this product was less successful. If I were to redo my magazine I would make sure all fonts were easier to read as this was the point that most people who took my survey picked up on that they couldn't read the fonts by changing this factor people would be able to read it better.
This shows the feedback from my DVD cover. People thought that this product was the most realistic stating it looked like a real life product. People liked the colour scheme and the images which using a bright colour scheme and images of the cast and of different shapes follows conventions of childrens dvd covers which would make my product more successful. Some liked the fonts but on the other hand others thought that the fonts were a bit hard to read. This showed that the dvd product is effective but again the fonts are hard to read so if i were to redo it, I would change the fonts, make them bolder so they stood out more and made them so they were easier to read
People thought that the same theme, colours and people throughout my product worked well. This helped create brand identity. They thought that the use of editing, Mise-en-scene, locations and props were also good, the Mise-en-scene, location and props all tie in with the school theme making my product authentic. this product authenticity helps create a successful product because they are similar to already exsiting products avalible which shows my product is like others avalible. This is the question that received the most positive feedback and I think this is because everything in the product goes well together. If I were to redo my products I'd add more factors to it such as a reccouring picture or logo to create a stronger brand identity.
Overall people thought that the fonts could be more readable which has been clear throughout my survey. Some thought that the pictures could be of better quality and could have more variations of shot types in the title sequence. The use of more variations in shot types could help it make it more interesting to the target audience. However some people found no fault and thought that I should improve nothing. This shows that they thought that everything within the product worked well, they liked the colours and the fonts and thought that the product was successful.
The above screenshot shows comments that people had put on my youtube video of my title sequence. They mostly liked the transitions and music stating that they liked how it changed from one character to another. I used transitions to make it more interesting to watch and eye catching for the target audience. They also liked the music saying that the music fitted the whole idea of a high school title sequence and it made them happy which is what the music is designed to do in a children's tv drama sequence. I used upbeat music as it is the type of music that they would listen to on a regular basis. The music connotes the positivity the product is trying to achieve. Other points made is that they liked the font as it was bubbly and the location is spot on for the genre. Improvements I could make according to feedback is that more use of Mise-En-Scene could have been used.
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Technologies Powerpoint Show 2
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Using all of these elements together creates brand identity which is important to a company as it helps promote each other, the magazine and the DVD are products that help promote the TV show which would help the show get more viewers due to it being avalible on more platforms, The dvd was created due to the show exsiting in the first place which would help the company who were promoting and created the show more revenue. The use of the 'brand' logo helps tie all these products together as you know they all belong to the same company, from a parents point of view they see the brand logo which in my products case I have used the nickeloden logo parents would know its from a company they can trust to provide children with products suitble for them, from a childs point of view they could see the logo being used across these products recognising it and know that they are part of the same brand. The products being avalbile on three different platforms allows the product to be more wide spread, people who don't watch the show could always read the magazine and people who don't read can always watch the dvd or the show in general, all products work together to promote each other, this is an example of synergy. an example of synergy from exsiting products is the programme hannah montana made by the Disney company, it has books, magazines, clothing and other merchindise which helps promote the TV show Hannah Montana, from the tv show people recognise the show on the products which would there for promote the products avalible from the show each product works together to produce more publicity and therefore more money for the company and the brand. Most children ask for products such as DVDs for birthdays and christmas and also most parents are willing to buy children magazines as they would be engaging in reading which most parents encourage, this is why I felt that these two products would be best to promote my High School 101! brand
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Using all of these elements together creates brand identity which is important to a company as it helps promote each other, the magazine and the DVD are products that help promote the TV show which would help the show get more viewers due to it being avalible on more platforms, The dvd was created due to the show exsiting in the first place which would help the company who were promoting and created the show more revenue. The use of the 'brand' logo helps tie all these products together as you know they all belong to the same company, from a parents point of view they see the brand logo which in my products case I have used the nickeloden logo parents would know its from a company they can trust to provide children with products suitble for them, from a childs point of view they could see the logo being used across these products recognising it and know that they are part of the same brand. The products being avalbile on three different platforms allows the product to be more wide spread, people who don't watch the show could always read the magazine and people who don't read can always watch the dvd or the show in general, all products work together to promote each other, this is an example of synergy. an example of synergy from exsiting products is the programme hannah montana made by the Disney company, it has books, magazines, clothing and other merchindise which helps promote the TV show Hannah Montana, from the tv show people recognise the show on the products which would there for promote the products avalible from the show each product works together to produce more publicity and therefore more money for the company and the brand. Most children ask for products such as DVDs for birthdays and christmas and also most parents are willing to buy children magazines as they would be engaging in reading which most parents encourage, this is why I felt that these two products would be best to promote my High School 101! brand
You could add a summary of what you found out from your research into your genre and target audience, either as powerpoint or mind-map. Try to add to the question on the links between the main and ancillary tasks, think about how you've created a brand identity and why the media institution that produces your product would want to do this. In the audience feedback question try to pick out the key points about your feedback in relation to whether your product would be successful with the target audience, what elements the audience said made it appealing, and anything you would alter based on the audience feedback.