
Monday, 19 March 2012

HOMEWORK: 20.03.12

Levis-Strauss is a narritive theoriest that showed the uses of binary opposites, this is shown in this title sequence by showing miley as a normal school girl and hannah as a pop star. this is shown by miley wearing everyday clothing and attending school whereas hannah is shown to wear extravagent sparkly clothing and singing in concerts. These opposites as shown to work well together as miley has a double life as hannah and she gets to experience 'the best of both worlds'

5 narrative codes is the theory explained by Barthes, the narrative codes help decide the way we understand texts. 1) action, you can see that Miley and Lily are close friends as they always stand close to each other. Another relationship we can see is the one of her and her dad as they are shown hugging which shows the closeness of the relationship. we can tell miley is the main character as she is shown on the screen the most and also with every other character in the title sequence. 2) enigma, this is shown by showing mileys two characters so we can assume her double life gets her into trouble, the audience wonders how she can juggle school and the life of a popstar. 3)semic-code, this is shown through the props and costume of the character, you can see hannah is a popstar as she wears extravagent clothing & is seen with a microphone. lily is seen as a sporty due to wearing a sweatband on her wrist 4) the symbolics, this is the difference between the characters, Miley is seen as normal due to her being smiley, whereas hannah is seen as diva like, for example when she fans herself with a ticket. lily is seen as sporty but her double lola is seen as exentric due to her blue hair. 5) cultural, which is displayed through stereotypes, Rico is seen to be a lazy male as he kicks his shoes off and lays on the sofa. Robby is seen as a caring dad as he cuddles miley.

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